Steps to be taken in case of death:
Throughout this process, you will need to stay in touch and coordinate with the Graveyard Committee.
1. Call the Graveyard Committee as soon as possible.
2. Provide all the information about the deceased. The Graveyard Committee will make arrangements with a funeral home to recover the body from the hospital/home/hospice within the Upsate Region (Greenville, Spartanburg counties, Anderson, Cherokee, Laurens, Union, Oconee and Pickens counties), and get it delivered to the Masjid on Wade Hampton Blvd. The burial cost will be the responsibility of the deceased's family after the submission of the necessary documents.
3. Fill the burial registration and South Carolina death certificate forms.
4. Determine the time of washing (ghusl) and burial.
5. Ghusl is provided at the Masjid. Family members are encouraged to participate in the ghusl process.
6. Offer funeral prayers (Salatul-Janazah).
7. Plan the funeral procession.
8. Bury the dead.
Approximate cost (may change)*
$ 3300.00 (for members)
$ 4500.00 (for non memebrs)
* All the cost will be received at the time of washing the body (ghusl).
** The services of funeral home includes (i) body transfer from the hospital/ home/ hospice within the eight SC Upstate counties to the Masjid, (ii) transfer of the body after the Janzah prayers to the cemetery in the funeral van (Hearse), and (iii) filing and obtaining the death certificates from the respective county.
Graveyard Committee:
M. Taha Kasim (218) 269-2635
Abdulrahim Patel: (864) 421-2003
Sami Abu Rami (864) 207-0739